
Museum Exhibition Feedback Questionnaire

Museum Exhibition Feedback Questionnaire
museum exhibition feedback

Museum Exhibition Feedback Questionnaire

The only way to confidently create short and long-term strategies around your museum is by understanding the members and guests who visit you. 

From planning your next exhibition and creating membership incentives to developing an effective marketing strategy, the only way to effectively reach your visitors is by understanding what their interests and preferences are. 

Of course, having an up-to-date CRM is essential to any museum looking to connect and track visitor interests. Beyond the technology, however, there are only a few ways museums can reliably learn about the interests and opinions of their guests. One of the most effective and tested methods to do this is through a museum exhibition feedback questionnaire.

Questionnaires give museum’s the unique opportunity to learn about guests’ past visits, interests in future visits, and take in valuable information directly from the people whom they aim to serve. Here are some of the most important reasons why you should implement a museum exhibition feedback questionnaire. 

How to Give a Museum Feedback Exhibition Questionnaire

Providing a questionnaire ensures that you, as a museum, are gaining insight into reliable data about the strengths and weaknesses of your visitor experience. 

But how do you reliably provide your guests with a survey that they will answer within a reasonable amount of time?

There are two ways to do this. The first is by providing an online survey, and the second is by providing an in-house survey via on-sight kiosks or tablets. 

Online surveys are effective because you can ensure to reach every single guest or member who provides their contact information. What the online survey relies on, then, is a steady system, like a CRM, for culling together and tracking information of your guests. Encouraging memberships and online accounts that require emails are solid ways to build email pools. 

On-site kiosks or tablet surveys are great because they ensure that guests are giving the most recent and authentic recollection of their experience. Additionally, it makes it much easier for guests to see the survey at the end of the exhibit tour as opposed to the off chance of a survey getting lost in an email inbox.

The Value of a Museum Exhibition Feedback Questionnaire

Compared to the value and benefits gained from providing exhibition feedback questionnaires, the costs and time needed to implement are well worth the investment. Questionnaires provide you with information that you simply couldn’t get by directly asking guests about their experience or trying to cull meta-data together.

Here are some of the things that make exhibition questionnaires as valuable as they are. 

  • Museum exhibition feedback questionnaires are anonymous, meaning you’re going to get honest, unbiased responses from your guests.
  • On-site surveys provide feedback from guests with fresh experiences in their minds.
  • Surveys can be altered and adjusted quickly and periodically to learn new information about your exhibitions and guests. 
  • Questions can be worded in such a way to elicit open-ended answers and get more valuable information than a simple “yes” or “no.”
  • Online surveys and questionnaires have the added benefit of reaching a large amount of guests, giving valuable data that would be difficult to quantify otherwise. 
  • Questionnaires are relatively cheap and can be reused. You might have a first-time visitor survey that you can reuse perennially at very little cost. 
  • Surveys are flexible. With a reliable CRM you might have several ways to reach your customers. Surveys and questionnaires can be given as messages, phone calls, or in paper form. 

Museum Exhibition Feedback Questionnaire Sample Questions

When setting up any type of questionnaire, you should first understand what your goals are by providing the survey. Are you looking to improve the visitor experience when purchasing or searching for tickets? Maybe you’d like to assess the quality of a new exhibit or the potential of a future exhibit. Whatever the case may be, understanding your goals first will help you create the most pointed and optimal questionnaire.

When looking for feedback on a questionnaire, you first want to establish who is taking the survey. You could ask questions like:

  • How often do you visit museums?
  • Do you prefer smaller, more unique museums or museums with world class exhibits?
  • Who did you come with on your trip?
  • How often do you visit museums every year?
  • What is your favorite type of museum?
  • How did you hear about this museum/exhibit?
  • What was the primary motivation of your visit?

Following the introductory part of your questionnaire, you want to shift into questions evaluating their experience.

  • On a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied were you with your visit?
  • What did you enjoy most about the exhibit?
  • What did you least enjoy about the exhibit?
  • Would you recommend the exhibit to a friend?
  • What would you change, if anything, about the exhibit?
  • What kind of exhibit are you hoping to see in the future?

Learning about your guests is just as important as putting together the actual exhibit. ACME ticketing is always looking for ways to help museums manage smarter and track guests more efficiently. ACME’s innovative CRM will help you keep track of your guests’ interests, contact information, and visiting trends.

Help ACME connect you with your guests and schedule your free ACME demo today.

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