
How to Make and Use Fundraising Videos to Increase Donations

How to Make and Use Fundraising Videos to Increase Donations

How to Make and Use Fundraising Videos to Increase Donations

Content creation is the new way to market yourself in the age of technology. If you want to get your nonprofit’s name and mission out there to receive adequate support, looking to content creation is a great place to start. You can make a variety of compelling and educational videos to help spread the word about your cause. We’re going to explain different ways to make videos that work to get the support you need for your nonprofit organization.

Best Platforms to Release Your Fundraising Videos

So where should you start when it comes to choosing a platform to upload to? It’s always a good idea to choose more than one and spread your reach so you can get to as many people as possible. Each platform benefits from different types of videos.

  • Facebook. Videos on Facebook are 2 minutes or less with higher quality recording equipment do well here.
  • Instagram. You can upload “Reels” on Instagram, which are similar to TikToks. Instagram also connects with Facebook.
  • Your website. Having professionally recorded videos explaining your mission and who you are on your website is a great idea.
  • Your event page. Show off previous events or give a 2-minute walkthrough of your facilities to attract people to support you.
  • TikTok. TikTok has a maximum video limit of 3 minutes and it’s easier to go viral than most of the other platforms. Also great to appeal to younger audiences.
  • YouTube. YouTube is a good option on its own or to host videos to be embedded on your website. You can also monetize your videos with ads.

Types of Fundraising Videos

There are several ways to create content on these video platforms. These are some of the best for making compelling videos related to your nonprofit.

  • Elevator pitch videos. In an elevator pitch video, you should start by imagining you only have 30 seconds to explain what your organization does. The term “elevator pitch” comes from the concept of creating a pitch that can be made to someone you’re in an elevator with before they get off. This should grab the attention of your viewers and set the tone for how the rest of your video should go. Make the first 10 seconds of your video count! Then you can follow up with information, statistics, and case studies that people empathize with. Talk about how deforestation is affecting wildlife at an alarming rate or how big of an impact the arts have on children. The purpose of this type of video is to bring immediate awareness to your cause and follow up with why it’s important for everyone that your cause is addressed. 
  • Specific fundraising campaign videos. Nobody likes talking about money, but in the case of your nonprofit, it’s basically a requirement. With the level of mistrust from the general public going on in the nonprofit sector, it’s vital to be as transparent as possible about your financial needs. You can explain that you need $50,000 to help create new facilities that allow you to bring in new wildlife for example. You should show off what people’s donations have done in the past as well, citing it as a reason to continue to support you. Be sure to emphasize why people should care in the first place.
  • Event driver. Advertise events you have coming up through fun advertising methods. If you’re having an adults-only nighttime cocktail event at the science museum, you could come up with some fun content to show off the cool exhibits you can look at. Think of it like a commercial for your upcoming events. Be sure to include how participating in said event is beneficial to support your nonprofit. 
  • TikTok/YouTube shorts. If you’re trying to go viral, these are the platforms to do it on. Creating funny, on-trend videos has the potential to get you a lot of attention fast. Engagement is really important to the success of a nonprofit, so it might be worth trying. You can also create educational videos that quickly show what you do and where you can donate.

Tips For Creating Fundraising Videos

Maybe you have some ideas for some videos now that we’ve gone over the various types of videos you can make. Let’s go over some tips before you get started.

  • Keep the fundraising video concise. It’s important to make sure you keep your answers to the who, what, when, where, why, and how brief. Rambling can lose the attention of your viewers and you have to be as clear as possible about your mission to keep them interested.
  • Be specific about the purpose of the campaign behind the video. If you’re making a fundraising video, as we mentioned earlier, you have to talk about the details. Clarity builds trust and gives people precise direction for what you’re asking them to do.
  • Be authentic to yourself, your audience, and your mission in the fundraising video. People can tell when you’re being disingenuous toward them. Going too commercial can have a negative impact on the public’s perception of you, thus thinking negatively of your organization. It’s important to give people something to relate to when they’re watching your content even if your cause isn’t something they’re directly affected by.
  • Make sure the fundraising video has a clear call to action. When you’re making your fundraising video, be sure to include that you’re looking for donations or supplies. Talk about the timeframe you’d like to meet your goal by and the urgency involved. Mention what’ll happen if you don’t meet your goal and how every dollar counts. Your cause is important, don’t be shy about what you need to fulfill it.

How Fundraising Videos Can Drive Donations.

Calls to action in your videos make it clear that you need help on your journey to fulfilling your goals. The clarity in your content will help drive donations because it tells people exactly what you want them to do while bringing compelling awareness to your organization’s goals. Being passive or too ambiguous about what you need will create hesitancy to the detriment of your cause, but proper social media output can become a helpful tool to get the donations you need.

Fundraising Video Campaign Ideas.

  • Events/Galas. Create fun videos featuring bake sales, discount events, holiday celebrations, dinner parties, and whatever you want to drive up fundraising. It’ll be even more effective if you can do events related to your cause. 
  • Annual membership. Show off what an annual membership gives your supporters. You can also show the impact an annual membership has on your organization and the communities you’re helping. 
  • Special programs. Talk about the special offers you have for becoming a supporter of your organization. Some nonprofits offer local discounts on restaurants and shopping for supporters, or they’ll get VIP perks at their facilities. People like to feel like they’re helping and showing what they can get for helping is a great way to reward them for their patronage. 

Let Acme Handle Your Fundraising After the Fundraising Video is Launched.

Acme Ticketing can help your nonprofit with membership programs and integrated payment options to help your fundraiser succeed. Online donations are easier than ever through Acme, giving you the power to customize what your supporters see. If you’re interested in learning more about what Acme can do to make your fundraising experience easier, request a demo today.

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